Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Take 2
Gluten free, egg free, nut free and almost dairy free... Let's start with my oldest boy...E...he has been gluten intolerant since about the age of two and is very allergic to eggs. We do our best to help him fit in when it comes to snacks and eating out...and sometimes I find it is just easiest if I volunteer to do the cooking. Then all the kids have the same cookie, cupcake or whatever the item might be. Well, the first grade classes are ending the last 26 days with an alphabet countdown...Friday happens to be C...which is Cookies and Milk with your teacher day. I saw this and thought, "If I volunteer to make the cookies then E will get to have the same cookie as everyone else." So I volunteered and of course the teacher was very excited to have one job taken care of for her. So I asked about the other allergies in the class. I found out that there is a dairy as well as a nut allergy in his class. I looked over some recipes and realized that I can make a flour ...