We Have Moved...Card?

As many of you know, we moved. I had great intentions of sending out a Christmas/We Have Moved Card....then it turned into a Valentine's Day/We Have Moved Card...and well now here it is..."We Have Moved." Give me a call and I will share our physical address we would love to have you swing by and see our new place. Family Pic On Our Property A Little Peak Of The House...Oh And Our Beautiful Kiddos We have been busy with a little bit of everything from new chickens, new goats, basketball season that turned into baseball season, planting a little, trying to slowly get the yard done, organizing and continually cleaning! Really where does the time go because as I type what we have been up to, I really feel like it is not much but it seems like we do not have much down time. There is always something on the agenda. I am sure I do not feel alone in this. As summer quickly approaches and another school year is added to the books. It is amazing to see all that has...