
Showing posts from April, 2011

Easter Morning

He is Risen! Happy Easter! It is Easter morning, baskets are set and hid...husband is working out, I just finished a bible study and kids at 7 am are still sleeping! What a way to start any day...but even more to start Easter Sunday! Our kids rarely sleep past 7 so on the days that they do I just hold my breath and wonder how long the bliss of sleeping children will last. It is funny when kiddos are sleeping, I find myself continually thinking...when will the moment arrive that they will awake and then once they are awake I think about all the things I wish I would of got done while they were sleeping. Easter Sunday for us consists of finding Easter baskets and then heading off to church to celebrate the real reason for today! Usually we are at my family's house and the boys are with all of their cousins. Our oldest son kept asking "Whose house are we going to stay at this year because we always stay at someone's house for Easter." This year we decided to ...

"Kick a Bug Juice"

A while back I was tackling that uncontrollable pile of magazines that always acculmulates in my house. I came across a recipe for "kick a bug" juice. I hung it on the cupboard and thought I would use it the next time I was sick. Well, about six months later...I have a head cold that is just lingering on. Mom of two little ones being a the slightest bit sick is no fun at all. So I threw together the "kick the bug" juice. I just so happend to have all the ingredients on hand. I am not sure if it is the mixture that is kicking the bug or the thought of actually drinking this concoction that makes one think themself better. Nonetheless I am giving it a try and will definately report back on how I think it works. The recipe comes from Carolinas Natural Health Center. Kick-a-Bug Juice Indications : Sore throat or any inflammation or infection in the throat and neck ear infections nasal or sinus congestion This potent juice will amp your immune system and get y...

Embracing a Gluten Free Lifestyle

Living a Gluten Free lifestyle is possible with two young boys; a little overwhelming to begin with but over time as one starts to understand it all, like with everything, it does get easier. Both of my boys have been diagnosed as gluten intolerant and so most of my cooking is gluten free. The internet is a great option for so many recipes and tips - it is just sorting through it all to find what works for us that is the challenge. Then to have the boys love it is always great. I have found two recipes that I use is for a Gluten Free Flour Blend which I found on the Land O Lakes website. Gluten-Free Flour Blend : To make flour blend, combine 2 cups rice flour, 2/3 cup potato starch, 1/3 cup tapioca flour and 1 teaspoon xanthan gum. Use appropriate amount for recipe; store remainder in container with tight-fitting lid. Stir before using. The other is for a Gluten Free Pizza Crust...I found this one on-line as well at Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Recipe - Make It ...

Comments Made by Kiddos...

Yesterday drinving in the car, my oldest son asked, "Mom what is a Care Bear?" I said, "Well, it is a stuffed animal that is a bear." He quickly asked, "Well why does it care?" Then as I am trying to get him to relax and wind down for sleep...isn't this when some of the greatest thoughts from you kids come out? He came up with his question of the day..."So mom, where does the poop and pee go when people go in an airplane?" How can you not laugh when these come up? So honest and curious...gotta love how their little minds work!

Starting a Blog...

My neighbor has told me for about a year now that I should start a blog. I was going through a time of doing less and not signing up for everything that came my way. Besides everyone is doing a blog right now, why do I need to do one too? Well, I decided to start one for a few reasons... * I love sharing great ideas, deals, and activities with friends and family * Life is an adventure and I am always learning something new - usually from my kids * My kiddos are gluten intolerant and I have found recipes that I want to have with me all of the time - what a better place than a blog.... I guess I have enough reasons for myself to start one but really just to share a few tidbits here and there with family and friends. I find that I enjoy life even more when I focus on Keeping it Simple (well at least trying to) and focus on what really matters. So I have found myself saying no to a lot more lately and being so much happier when I do. So here goes Trying to...Keep it Simple...

First Baseball Game...

Our six year old started baseball this year and had his first game...I know my life has changed forever. Watching our little guy run the bases, throw the ball, catch grounders, hit the ball, joke with his teammates in the dugout, bond with dad while learning how to hold his arm just much to learn in the "game" of basbeall. I just looked back over past posts and realized I never finished this almost at the end of our second year of baseball. I wish I would of finished this one - how do daily bloggers do it? I wonder? Whenver I take the time to catch up on the few blogs that I read from friends, I am inspired and I promise to be better. Then a few months past and I go through the whole cycle again...I wonder if I will ever blog as much as I like too or if I will just continue promising myself to do it. For now...I am posting the short paragraph from over a hear ago and hoping that I find/make the time to jot down more random events from our fun, fast paced, ...