Starting a Blog...

My neighbor has told me for about a year now that I should start a blog. I was going through a time of doing less and not signing up for everything that came my way. Besides everyone is doing a blog right now, why do I need to do one too? Well, I decided to start one for a few reasons...
* I love sharing great ideas, deals, and activities with friends and family
* Life is an adventure and I am always learning something new - usually from my kids
* My kiddos are gluten intolerant and I have found recipes that I want to have with me all of the time - what a better place than a blog....
I guess I have enough reasons for myself to start one but really just to share a few tidbits here and there with family and friends.

I find that I enjoy life even more when I focus on Keeping it Simple (well at least trying to) and focus on what really matters. So I have found myself saying no to a lot more lately and being so much happier when I do. So here goes Trying to...Keep it Simple...


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