The Sweetest Sound...

It is summer vacation…my five and seven year old have learned that it is ok to sleep past 7 am…I am enjoying a cup of coffee and getting laundry folded before the rush of the day begins. Then, I hear the sound of my seven year olds bed as he wakens… (I keep thinking I am going to add a few more screws to his bed so it quits making this sound, but now am kind of use to it and think it might be nice as he gets older – there will be no sneaking out of his bed.)  I kept waiting to hear his pitter patter down the stairs and in search of me…so I can hear the normal morning requests, “Can I watch TV? and/or Can I play Wii with you?” Not this morning…instead I hear him moving around upstairs and not coming down. I finish the laundry and decide I will go check on him.

Earlier in the morning, I had been on the phone with my DH(Dear Husband) and he had asked me to set some tape and wrapping paper out for them, I thought I could do this after they woke up…cuz after all in my mind I thought they were going to need a reminder that it was in fact their mom’s birthday and that they did not need to argue and quarrel today. Reminder was not needed nor did they need me to help them…they are getting so big all on their own…this is what I found when I went to check on them.

The older one had gone into his brother’s room and woke him up…they got the present they had hiding from me and were in the office wrapping it. So very quietly snipping, taping, folding and writing on the beautiful Christmas wrap! So quietly they worked away together. I decided to head back downstairs where I had to get the camera out so I was ready to fire away!
The two partners came down the stairs and presented me with my beautifully wrapped present!

They were so sweet and loving --- brand new socks for cycling to go with the gift from my DH…a gift certificate to REI to buy my new cycling shoes.

They didn’t even ask if they could watch TV or play the Wii yet…they got dressed and ready for the gym and as we sat down to eat the question came about TV…but they were ok just sitting at the table and having breakfast with their mom while reading our library books from yesterday.

I wish I could say that every morning at our house was this peaceful and relaxed but if it comes once a year they hey I will take it! Happy 39th Birthday to me from two of the greatest gifts a mom could ask for!


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