
Showing posts from February, 2012

U-Pick Trail Mix Oatmeal Cookies - Gluten Free/Egg Free

The other day, a parent from preschool let me know she would be bringing oatmeal cookies to share at school. Side note: I love it when other parents give me a head's up so I can be prepared with an option for my gluten free kiddos. It takes away the last minute stress of what am I going to do - spend $4 on one cookie at the coffee shop, give him a piece of candy, or have him feel left out because he doesn't get the special treat that everyone else does. So thank you to those who take the extra minute to share with us when you have special plans. (I know if you are like me, sometimes, I do not know what my plan is until is over...but thanks for those times that you do know.) So I decided that I was going to try my hand at making some yummy gluten and egg free cookies again!  I have tried many in the past and it is hard when they do not turn out or your kids do not beg for more. Actually, this past Christmas, I went on a cookie strike and did not make any...I turned to carame