The Sweetest Sound...
It is summer vacation…my five and seven year old have learned that it is ok to sleep past 7 am…I am enjoying a cup of coffee and getting laundry folded before the rush of the day begins. Then, I hear the sound of my seven year olds bed as he wakens… (I keep thinking I am going to add a few more screws to his bed so it quits making this sound, but now am kind of use to it and think it might be nice as he gets older – there will be no sneaking out of his bed.) I kept waiting to hear his pitter patter down the stairs and in search of me…so I can hear the normal morning requests, “Can I watch TV? and/or Can I play Wii with you?” Not this morning…instead I hear him moving around upstairs and not coming down. I finish the laundry and decide I will go check on him. Earlier in the morning, I had been on the phone with my DH(Dear Husband) and he had asked me to set some tape and wrapping paper out for them, I thought I could do this after they woke up…cuz after all in my mind I thought ...