A few thoughts for today...

Thought 1 As I was sitting feeding out little girl this morning...blended prunes - trying to get things moving(TMI?) I sat in awe of her after each spoonful, she would move it around in her mouth to slowly spit back out any little bit of texture that I hadn't blended well enough. All I could think of was how much feeling let alone taste she must have at such a young age. How amazing, how God thought of everything when he created us...he gave us amazing senses to take in all the world around us and within us. Watching our little five-month old I am often reminded just how incredible our little girl is...which brings me to how absolutely incredible our Lord is! Thought 2 Our Boys...I am so thrilled that they are older now and can do more things on their own. Like bike up very steep hills so I can try to keep up with them while pushing the stroller. It doesn't seem like long ago that I was holding onto the back of their bikes as they dreamed of getting rid of training wheels...