A few thoughts for today...

Thought 1
As I was sitting feeding out little girl this morning...blended prunes - trying to get things moving(TMI?) I sat in awe of her after each spoonful, she would move it around in her mouth to slowly spit back out any little bit of texture that I hadn't blended well enough. All I could think of was how much feeling let alone taste she must have at such a young age. How amazing, how God thought of everything when he created us...he gave us amazing senses to take in all the world around us and within us. Watching our little five-month old I am often reminded just how incredible our little girl is...which brings me to how absolutely incredible our Lord is!

Thought 2
Our Boys...I am so thrilled that they are older now and can do more things on their own. Like bike up very steep hills so I can try to keep up with them while pushing the stroller. It doesn't seem like long ago that I was holding onto the back of their bikes as they dreamed of getting rid of training wheels. Now they are shifting gears, jumping curbs, "accidentally" darting into busy roads causing "mini heart attacks for mom," and looking for the next great adventure...the neighborhood rock to climb, a city park that overlooks our town or just new homes that they have not yet looked at from a biker's point of view. So curious and always ready to learn more. Yesterday the question of the night was, "How is rice made mom?" I said, "You know, I am not totally sure...let's find out." We watched a YouTube Video during dinner to find out while they ate rice. Which led to tonight's question...while out on our walk..."Water Towers? Why? When? How?" I have no idea...they hold water right...isn't that good enough. Nope we now know a whole new story on water towers.

Thought 3
Day 16 of Whole 30...I am sleeping hard when I am sleeping..sleeping like I have not slept in a long time. The sleep where sometimes you wake from it and feel like you were out like a log! The sleep where you think you could just sleep the rest of the day away but then rise and are so energized that you can get more done in an hour than in some days. So this part I am liking! For food, I am finding that I have lots of left over vegetables in the fridge that I never got to or that I over bought, so I am doing lots of stir frys with a little curry or soy..but not soy sauce...it is a soy sauce that is made from coconuts. Am I noticing a huge change in my clothing...no not yet...do I expect or am I doing this to see that...no not in 30 days. I really just want to restart and get back on a healthier track. It is easier for me to say no to a cookie or that last bite of my son's yogurt when I am doing something like a Whole 30. I tend to stay away and do not feel guilty for throwing the rest of the yogurt or their dinner away. Uh...realization...we are not poor, I am not starving and I do not need to clean my kids' plates ever again! Duh! Well do not need to eat their left overs...I am sure that I will be "cleaning" their plates for many many more years! Yeah for motherhood!

I must admit that I have gone off of the Whole 30 a few times...went out with friends and my hubby..and had a cocktail. Then made cookies for the kids' teacher and how can you make cookies and not taste one...especially if you are giving them to anyone but your kids. So, so far not too bad! I am on the downhill slope now and looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.

One other realization...at a family event on Sunday...there was a little mini breakfast served. I of course ate the fruit and thought I could try a "sausage patty" I took one bite of the artificial sausage patty and about threw it up..sorry for the visual. But seriously after eating only real foods for 14 days...on day 14 I thought I should try this piece of cardboard patty and that maybe it would taste good or that I needed it. Uck....do not plan on ever trying that again and definitely makes me think twice about taking the easy way out for my kids. I do not even want to read the label for them.

Thought 4
Cabinets for the new house....Brown or White....Ug...Enough said, because I need to wrap this up and pray for wisdom on making the best decision with my hubby for our family.

Thought 5 - Can't forget this one...
Our little girl is rolling all over the place...her first time was this past Sunday at said breakfast mentioned above at church. Then she took a break and did not do it again until tonight. Once she started she was not going to stop...and supportive oldest brother was there to move anything in her path to watch her go further, or turn her so she could continue rolling. Since as you might recall from watching a newly rolling baby...they only roll one direction to begin with. It was so great to watch him stop playing Monopoly with his younger bother and say, "No, let's take a break and watch her roll." He was her biggest fan at that moment and I loved watching it. It gave me a teachable moment in asking him if he loved watching her even when she tried and was not successful? Then how he felt when she was successful? Watching how she didn't give up or let anything get in her way.  I shared with him that it is a lot like how I feel watching him learn something new and trying something over and over again. That I not only enjoy watching him succeed but also watching him practice and learn. PS...the part where he succeeds in what he learns like getting the hit in baseball and getting a run...oh the excitement and joy I feel for him and his accomplishment!


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