God is Stronger!

As we are headed home for the day, I hear from the backseat...."God is not stronger."
We had just stopped at the Christian Bookstore and I purchased a new CD for the car. The lyrics said, "God is Stronger." My oldest chimes in with "God is not stronger." My youngest quickly corrects him with, "Yes he is!"

What a teachable moment and to think it was from them hearing the words from the music that was playing in the car. I knew they were listening to the words of the songs because there have been times lately when I was trying to explain but not explain what some of the lyrics meant.

How fitting that the first discussion after placing our new CD into the car was...God is Stronger!
What a great reminder in so many ways!

One, your kiddos are always listening and always learning. Waiting to be filled however we choose to fill their little minds and bodies!

Two, at the end of the day as we drive home and the day has worn on a mom of two little guys...God is Stronger and is always there to help us get through the crazy times of bedtime routine and getting ready for another wonderful spring day!

Three, God is Stronger and today I am choosing to remind myself of this verse when I am thinking maybe I am weak in some way....God is there to help me through and guide me! He is stronger, yes son, even stronger than the ocean, the kids on the playground, and even mommy and daddy!


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