To BE More Like Him....

I was once told, "You are always trying something new"....that I am always gung-ho about one thing and then off to another - well the second part is what I heard.

Today I read 2 Corinthians 5 and it talks about how we are here for a short time and that we are preparing to be ready for Him. Maybe this is what I am doing when I am always trying something new - just trying to get it all right and figure it all out.

So as I was studying this morning I was thinking of all the new things I have on my plate and am trying to weave into my life...Jillian Michaels' workouts and meal plan, eating the foods that are right for my blood type, decluttering and reorganizing my home, being OK with who I am and smiling at the rest, loving on my kiddos and trying to spend more time playing with them. These are all things that are on my list of ways that I am, "trying something new." I will admit that I have been getting a little overwhelmed by all the individual activities and trying to do it all.

This morning while reading/studying I realized once again that it is not all the little something news that I am trying that need to be my focus but to be more like Him! To have my focus on becoming more like Jesus and look to him for guidance. Isn't this why we are here for a short time so we can prepare to be more like Him so one day we can spend eternity with Him?

I took it as a compliment and just a fact of the matter when my friend told me, "You are always trying something new." This morning I am thinking about it a little more and thinking how I am trying lots of things new right now...but instead of focusing and becoming overwhelmed by all the little bits of my life I am going to focus on becoming more like Him.

So Jillian Michaels DVD - keeping my body healthy and in shape....isn't our body a temple of God...he wants us to be clean and healthy!
Her meal plan and eating for my blood type focus....again he gave us this body to take care of for a short time it is up to us to do this the best way that we can.
Decluttering and reorganizing my home - I see a pattern here --- taking care of what he has given us and clearing the path for Him...all the clutter creates a distraction from what is really important.
Being OK with me and smiling....when my focus is on being more like Him and putting Him first then what does it matter what others think or are maybe saying about me. (Sidenote...I tend to overthink this often and Really? I try to remember a quote another friend once read, "People really do not think about you as much as you think they think about you.")
Being more present in my kiddos lives....he gave us these wonderful gifts and now we need to really focus and treat them as that...Gifts!

So here is to a new focus --- Being more like Him and living a life that He can smile down at!


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