Building Our Home...The Forms are Going Up

So it is Week 2 of Home Building...So Exciting!!!

The forms are going up this week and then they are pouring the foundation...our builder sent us the following pics:

Just realized that this will be the garage.

That triangle shape area will be the laundry room, pantry, powder room and mud room area.

After traveling to the property five times last week....I decided that this week I was going to wait and go out on the weekend. Let a week's worth of work be done and then go and see it all in surprise and ah with my husband when we can go together.

So last week after much debate, prayer, a restless night or two and a little more money out the door...we decided to move the house closer to the lake. When we originally placed we were thinking back off of the lake about 130' or so. It has to be 100' we were going to add an extra 30' to our distance so we had some extra play room. Well...we ended up back up at the 100' line after many trips out to view our options. While this was one of the hardest decisions I think I have made in a long time...husband out of town...location and positioning of your dream home...kind of a permanent decision. When I finally decided to have the excavator come back and move the house closer, I felt great about the decision and was so at peace with it. Thank goodness! So my husband came and took a look on the weekend and we both agreed...this is where our future home would be built.  Kind of weird standing on flat dirt area and thinking, "Hey this is our future bedroom." Oh and the view we will have while sitting in our bed....AH....I can not wait!  I am sure it will just be that husband and I sitting enjoying our view with our cup of coffee in bed...with three little blessings all cuddled amongst us at 6 in the morning.


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