
What a wonderful time of year, all the new life around us.

The beautiful trees and flowers all just starting to blossom and show us the chance to restart again!

Boys playing outside in the sunshine and baseball...

I can not wait to get into the garden...putting a few seeds in the ground here at this house and then a few fall plants for the property. I figure we are moving in during the fall...when it will be time to be decorating with pumpkins, gourds and corn stalks...hmmm....wonder if I will have the energy to decorate? But hey, I am going to be ready to decorate and the boys couldn't be more excited about their pumpkins sprouting out of the ground. 

Her are four of their sprouts...the boys decided that the sprouts
should have an army of rocks around them to help protect them. 
So cute!

We had a friend dig out where my garden will be and I wish I had a picture to show you it...but really it is a 30' x 40' area with a trench dug around it. A trench being the size of the excavator's scoop....I think about two foot wide by about three foot deep. (What was I thinking?!?!) Anyways...planning on filling the trench with chicken wire and rocks to help keep little digging rodents out. Really the inside of the trench is just the scoops of dirt that came from the trench...we really just cleared away some rocks and made some smoothed down mounds and added pumpkin seeds. The soil is wonderful and I am betting with the least amount of prep that my garden will probably ever get...we will probably get our best harvest of pumpkins. We also planted gourds and planning on planting a few corn seeds. 

A few other glimpses of spring on the property...

Just love this...
Old fence line...along side of our driveway.

Spring blossoms....

Old well house...

And of course...how can you tell the boys no to climbing huge hills of dirt! 
Can it get any more exciting???

I wish I could add a few pics of baseball....they will come. Must remember my camera when both parents are at the game. I'm a multi-tasker...but a 5 month old and baseball....is enough for this momma! Wow...that is more that I need to share...our little girl is 5 months today!!!


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