Adventure Continues...Now "Homeless"

Okay must preface this....I have not proofread all of this...I am trying so hard to get caught up to today...and will be coming back to proofread. 

Thanks for understanding. 

After being completely moved out of our home, tenants checked in and our family virtually homeless we were still planning on trying to carry on normal life. Our first weekend "homeless", was the 4th of July weekend. The 4th we were still at our friends' home and spent the evening out at our lake for a rehearsal dinner/4th of July celebration. The next night was our first night hoteling it, we stayed right downtown Oly...which is fun staying in a hotel in your town. Kind of like a night away but not having to travel! Toby loved the fact that he could wake up and walk to the market with one of the boys. It was very nice being right downtown. 

As a side note... we are so not homeless...we are so fortunate to be blessed with more than we need every day! We are building a home that is truly the home of our dreams and we have family that is waiting for us to visit. Booking their time with us one week or so at a time. How lucky are we to have multiple roofs that we can call home. Also, I am sure if anyone is reading his at all, that you are wondering what our future home plan this point we were still planning on buying a travel trailer and living on the property while we watch our home be built. So we were also scanning Craigslist constantly in our spare moments. 
"Patience mom...they are playing together and having fun and not hurting anything."
Life's daily adventure is new and exciting as long as we appreciate the fun in all the little riding on the luggage cart. 

In the meantime, night two...we spent at a hotel in Bellevue. Which we always love, because it gives us an excuse to call one of my aunts and cousins that live close and hang out! The boys love seeing them almost as much as my aunt and cousin love to see the kids. I'm not hotel we headed to Bellevue and stayed at another hotel in Bellevue this was nice for all of us Toby was closer to the airport to fly out the next day and the kids and I were in our closer to our next date just finished a frayed to go see my sisters family and cousins.

Taking in all the sites upon the way, we stopped in Preston. They have a great little park there if you need a stop as you head over I-90. 

This time while the kids were at their cousins' house they got to play dodgeball, eat BBQ ribs, play a little screen time and just hang out. We took our second day there and headed into Moses Lake to meet our new cousin Zachary. We hung out with my brother and his wife for the day and then went on to my parents' house for dinner and visit with yet another sister and her kiddos for the evening.  Cousins played "John Deer" Monopoly,  watched TV and hung out indoors, it was just too hot to be outside at 98°.

After having dinner and hanging out for a while we headed back to my sister's house in Ephrata to get ready for Slide Waters in Lake Chelan.  Slide Waters was a lot of fun for everyone it was nice for me to have my sister and brother-in-law there to help watch Addy. So I could get in a few slides with the boys. Addie discovered the water and still am not sure if she knows why her face got wet when she splashed. 


Addie did great for 13 hours at Slide Waters...sleeping when she wanted in the shade. She had plenty of attention from her cousins as well as her aunt and uncle. 

Our drive home...E kept trying to get me to pass my sister who was obviously ahead of us. Driving country roads...each time I could try to pass something came up...a coyote, a car, a turn, a deer. This is when he said, "It is ok mom, you can hit it. We will just have dinner." Well then ok. I guess next time I will sacrifice the car and maybe our lives to get dinner. The thought process of kiddos sometimes. 

Which brings us to we packed up and headed back to the west side. I keep saying something about going home or at home...and the boys will quickly ask..."Where's home, we don't have a home." As they remind me of this, I let them know that wherever the majority of our family is at any given where our home is. Sometimes, that might be the car, a friend's house, a cousin's house or a motel. 

Letting the kids know that every day is an adventure this summer, and yes, while there is no physical home, there is also lots of adventure to go with it. Every single day we are on the move making new memories and enjoying our time together.

I must share a funny comment from Preston today though...mentioning that maybe we wouldn't go back and camp with my sister the following week...his response was so matter of fact, "No, I need to go camping." Once again I was reminded of the thought process of my children, me first and maybe someone else second. 

Not having a home and living with all the belongings that we need in the car, does come at a price. First, the kids ask if they can have playmates over. Well where do we have them over to? The kids ask if we can take kids to the lake with us, well sorry our car is full I cannot squeeze one more thing in. We have been invited to functions that don't include children and the only thought is we can hire a babysitter but where would the babysitter come. We have just come to the conclusion that this is our summer. Our summer to bond together as a family to watch our house grow to watch our pumpkins grow to hang out with each other and make so many memories and let every day of our life be an adventure.


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