An Attempt to Summarize and Catch Up

July 11th
Last night I got my wish to camp on the property! I have been suggesting that we try camping at the property for over a year now. I think it would be easy to say that it didn't go as planned. It was nice watching the sun set and listening to all the different sounds of country life. We were going to set up our tent and camp...but then after we got there, we thought well why not just put the air mattresses in the house and camp there. Good thought when it was blazing hot and the thought of being a in a tent at that time made you sweat. The middle of the night is not so hot and it still cools off quite a bit. Toby and the boys cuddled onto one air mattress. We had planned on having two, but that was before we looked for the air pump for over an is probably in the one box that I did not look in.
Addie playing while I looked for the missing air pump. 

Any wonder why I was not able to find the pump..this is a glimpse inside of our trailer. 

I slept in the car with Addie...which was the plan from the beginning. So the as the dew rose off the morning water, we both agreed that we were done camping for now. One more lesson learned.

In this venture we have all learned a lot...
  • Patience is a great virtue to have and lots of it
  • We don't always need to have a plan
  • But when there is a plan it's great if things go as planned
  • We are so blessed that we cannot even begin to count all of them
  • Following your gut feeling is definitely something that is learned and should be done
One more highlight of camping at the property...Preston woke up and the first thing he asked was, "Can I go fishing?"

July 12th
I've always wanted to do the STP, on this day STP is happening and it goes right through downtown Tenino. it's still on my bucket list and who knows maybe it will happen next year. 

July 13th
We invited friends out to BBQ and play in the water with us. Fun times...the kids and I had some fun playing in the water, going out on the jet ski and paddling around on the paddle board. 

This evening we stayed the night at our friends' house who live out there. I must share a little funny know that feeling you get after being at the lake all day. In the middle of the night you wake up and your feet and hands are so dry. Well that happened to me and instead of trying to find my bag and my lotion in the room with a two sleeping children, I just grabbed a bottle of lotion of the counter. I used it and thought nothing more. Till the next morning when I was out folding up blankets...I could not figure out why my tan was wearing away so terribly. 

See the streak on the back of my foot and on my toes. 

I looked at my hands and then my feet and quickly realized that it was self-tanner I used not just lotion. I stood there just thinking, "Oh no, what does my face look like?" Luckily there were no huge handprints across my face. Whew...but seriously a good laugh for me and a few others. 

July 14th
We were off to breakfast in town - downtown Tenino and I took a few minutes to peruse a few of the little shops. I can not wait to take more time and look at all the hidden treasures. We headed to the lake to clean up after last night and get ready for the day. We ended up spending most of the day at the lake with the rest of the lake families as well as many other family and friends. We headed in to the hotel where I took some time to enjoy the luxury of the hotel hot tub...ahhhh!

This evening it hit me...I had made another appointment for Addison on Monday with her regular pediatrician so I could go over everything with her. Laying awake at 2 am...all I could think about was my little girl and going to the appointment and what they might have to say to me. Tests that they might ask me to have done and so on. Wrapping my head around all of it and knowing that my husband was leaving before the kids even woke int he morning. It was all very daunting to me and coming down hard on me. A good cry is always good for many things: working out the toxins and feelings was what I needed. Toby realized how overwhelmed I was and took a sick day just in case we needed to do something the following day. 

July 15th
We went to the appointment and I could of lost it...they scheduled me for Monday at 11 am. They failed to tell me it was in two weeks on Monday. Are you we went in to work up a plan with the on-call doctor who was already working on Addison's file.  She was going to call Children's at lunch and wait to hear back. When one is stressed they can get lots done. Which we did that day...we met the lady that is going to help with flooring for the house. Picked out a piece of granite for our countertops and Toby figured out our wood stove. 

We got a call right after Toby left for his plane that Children's called back and they would see us. Now we wait for Children's Hospital to call and schedule out appointment. 

I spent another night at the hotel...since we were not sure what was going to play out that day or the next, I wanted to be close just in case. We were suppose to be heading back to Eastern Washington to go camping for the week. Maybe we would go the next day depending on how soon we heard from Children's. I was secretly hoping that they were going to call right away and squeeze us in. 

We took the evening to relax and enjoy our surroundings. Staying right downtown Olympia...kind of funny feeling being in your own town and checking in to a hotel as often as we have. We walked over to the park and enjoyed some park time and then the kiddos enjoyed the pool. 


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