"Where did you sleep last night?"

July 16th and 17th
I had the chance to meet with our builder over breakfast. Then the kids and I packed up and got ready to go...still not sure where I wanted to go...the plan was still to head to Eastern Washington to camp. My gut was just not there. I felt like I should stay close for a bit and besides Toby flew back in on Thursday and then our whole family could go over to Eastern Washington together and in one car. 

As I headed out of town, we stopped to visit a friend and her kiddos. The boys do just miss hanging out and playing with some of their friends. I miss my time with the other moms/friends as well. So it was very nice to see them as we headed out of town. This is the friend that I always chuckle at her texts...she sent me one that asked, "Where did you sleep last night?" Funny how texts are sent in one tone and can be received in another. I had to laugh and think back to the day when circumstances were definitely different and I might of been asked that same question. HAHA!

So we headed East...driving through Tacoma is when plans changed. I decided that we were going to take our cousin Amanda up on her offer and stay with her for a few days. Toby was ready to get us a hotel for the week but I really want to save some of them for later when we are in the trailer and I need a break from the confined space...and to be honest someone else to make me breakfast! The benefits of a traveling husband. 

Cousin Amanda said that staying at her house would be perfect for the four of us. No joke it was...her apartment overlooks the pool. The boys could swim, Addie could sleep and I could look at more house stuff. 

Cousin Amanda spoils the boys and had gluten free crusts waiting so the boys could make their own pizzas the first night! I had the chance to make the boys dinner on real stove - what else but Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets! I could regroup and go through our bags yet once again and this time came away with two more boxes of stuff to go to storage. Really we are not acquiring more stuff through this adventure...just minimizing and I think I might be able to move into out home and rent out half if it...we will not know what to do with all the space and stuff! 
Boys - with their geocache finds. 

We took a few walks...we had to introduce Amanda to 
geocaching and luckily we found the one we went on with her. Amanda and her husband also thought it would be fun to walk to ice cream...down the hill and just over half a mile...with a geocache find after ice cream. Upon our walk back home...both Amanda and her husband agreed that walking to get ice cream with kids is much different than just a couple doing it on their own. We all decided that next time we will be driving to ice cream. 

I usually try to avoid LakeFair and any fair of the sort but on this night it was almost inevitable. (I promise I do take my kids to fun parks...I have no problem with Amusement parks...when I plan on going to them. I can find coupons and plan the entire day at the park. To get the full bang for our buck. It is just hard for me to justify Lake Fair...even on the kid day, it still costs more than the entire day at an Amusement Park.) We thought we would walk to the grocery store to get something to grill back at the hotel and as we walked out the front door we both realized that the quick walk to the grocery store probably was not going to happen. We tried to find a geocache on the way to lake fair...with two locations and no luck at either one. Not a good introduction for Toby. 

We ended up just grabbing a few things for the boys at LakeFair and then Toby headed to the grocery store for a meat and cheese tray for us. 

The next day after we met with our contractor I had a relaxing morning taking my time packing up and getting ready. Addie is at an age where she can not sit up and take a bath as I shower and then she took a nice nap afterwards. Toby had a dentist appointment so he took the boys to play at one of their friends' houses. This was great for all of us. They got some running and bonding time and then we got to visit with friends when we picked them up. Then after lunch we were off to Ephrata to see cousins again. 

Now here is that time when I wish this was all edited...it is not...but here it is in rough form...hopefully I will edit soon.
On our drive we drove towards the smoke from the fires in Eastern Washington. Hoping and praying that the smoke was not going to set Easton's asthma off. The smoke in the air was minimal when we arrived and for the entire weekend - thank goodness. 
FiresTag at basin summer soundsWatching Owen play bballWater toysLego timeChurchSplash zoneDrive home to meet Randy...the cabinet guyLeft at 6:15One thing we r getting w this summer is some time with just the two of us and Addie. Thanks to my amazing family! So Toby Addy and I are off to the new house to meet the cabinet guy with a stop to get the paddleboard.Cabinets were all drawn in the singles were going on the house and things were progressing nicely. The dog builder did tell us that the electrician plumber and furnace guy were all coming within the next 2 to 3 weeks when we had planned on going to Sacramento.After running a few errands taking dog to does after visiting suffer and we were off to Portland with a quick stop to see our future home the trailer that was being stored in Maytown.We stopped to see the trailer or well it was a little smaller than we had imagined it's definitely going to be a blessing to our family to all the living on the property the trailer.After visiting with the owners of the trailer we got back on the road to head to Portland for the evening. This is when Toby and I both agreed a trip to Sacramento right now probably is not the best ideaSo another change in plans and it looks like we can get the trailer early head will be returning to Olympia after picking Toby up from the airport on Friday.This life is crazy even for me at times. It is a little unexpected things that happen. Those little things let us know we are all human and only do so much today was one of those days. Toby Addison and I decided to stay in Portland last night so I could take Toby to the airport this morning. Toby is off to Washington DC we dropped him off at the airport and always good.It was then that I told my friend MapQuest but I wanted to go to the freedom Washington but I wanted to go through Olympia I clicked on the right route and proceeded to follow directions. I realized that the directions for taking me to Yakima so after waiting in lines and lines of rush-hour morning traffic I proceed to get back on the route to Olympia. My phone is telling me one thingMy commonsense was telling another thing.The traffic were confusing the hell out of me.So after waiting in probably 34 lanes of traffic to get to the right highway and then change my mind and in the right highway and changing my mind I realize what I needed to do.By this point it was too late I was already passed the exit I was waiting in another line of traffic so I decided you know I'm flipping a U-turn and merging into traffic because a nice person let me merge.This is when that little unexpected happened after all of the unexpected detours. The unexpected of the beautiful black expedition sitting right behind me on my town. The beautiful expedition which proceeded to follow me into that merge traffic and followed up with red and blue sparkly lights maybe lights applauding that I just successfully gotten to the right lane to finally get on the road to go home with my baby sleeping about itAny mother can understand when the baby sleeping you have four hours to drive all you want to do is get on the road and get going fast you can today baby sleep on the drive is possible.So has that nice gentleman in the black beautiful expedition Waze me to exit off the road with his flashing sparkly lines I pulled into the Burger King parking lot and asked him politely if I could get out of the car and talk to them and he quickly questioning one with a very nice townHe said well yes of course baby I suppose you can get out of your car so got to my car with my registration and license and proof of insurance and he quickly began to school me explaining to me how five-point U-turn is not legal and merging traffic like I did was not legal I'm still a little befuddled by that one the guys come down and let me okay so the 20 carsYou probably did not want to let me know.Went back to his car as the tears continue to grow because the unexpected. Sent me over the top oh my gosh I have a lot on my plate and yes Monica you sometimes cannot handle it all.UR human and you need to take a breather. Could be that I just slept there last night could be that maybe she's on the verge of pinkeye with a stuffy nose and she's the care but all in all I need to take a break.Thanks for this nice gentleman helped the person that Bolin marketeers "wow a good cry is always great for the relaxation and to help when get back on track.I'm sure you're curious to know what that nice you didn't came back out of this beautiful luxury expedition as it was very gracious scolded me once again for making the U-turn explained to me that it will be over $500 charge and that the merging traffic would be over $150 charge my head I'm thinking that's cabinets that's Mistowes what else for the house can 600Received it let me know that he wasn't going to give me and showed me how to do the shortcut through the parking lot to merge into traffic and head that direction I was supposed to be thank you Ofc.So as I'm headed towards Olympia into Washington the tears continue to stream down my face which is all good I needed a good cry and many prayers later I'm feeling fine and refreshed and renewed that you know the perspective of things not that big of a deal and maybe I should not make illegal U-turn.The drive to Olympia was a great choice for me and crossing off a lot of things on the to do list. Thank goodness one of those things on the to do list was not get a ticket thank you officer.Once I was on the road on hi5 right direction headed towards Olympia Addison slept until she has which worked out perfectly stop by to see a friend and make vision appointments for the entire family and stop by the cabinet company to confirm details on all of the cabinets. I also got a chance to get paint samples for the cabinet colors and more paint samples for the outside exterior colors.Back on the road Addison was pasta tired and very ready for a nap. She slept from Sahalea's until I got to Highway 18. Thank goodness long naps and driving. She made it until the summit where we proceeded to go to a restaurant to eat lunch restaurants at the top of summit the pancake house not a good choice for service so we left and went to the grocery store where we had a nice little visit with the owner of the grocery store and on our way againAddison was not ready for so entertaining with the meter and toys and she pushed on until Ellensburg AVI. The last two minutes was a bowl with a screaming child.Fred Meyer is good for a lot of things but also very good for their fence in the back Addison has now spent quite a bit of time on the beds in Fred Meyer rolling around and getting some belly time while we spot or just took a break.So dropping Toby off at the airport at nine we eventually needed tutti-frutti at my sisters house at about 630 at night. Charlie with a seven-month-old is definitely possible but probably don't want to do it if you are in a hurry to get somewhere.The eating sentence was very successful the visiting soccer coaches from England decided to help cook dinner I'm nice sausage noodle bake it was very yummy. Then Shannon and I got a chance to go over the cabinets from my house and some paint colors and she helped confirm what I was already thinking.Today being Wednesday, July 23. We are headed to grandpas and grandmas on the farm to make a stop to visit the grandparents and my sister Holly and her friend and then on to aunt Margaret's house in Grandview.
The boys are ready for a change in cousins and playmates.


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