
Sometimes this adventure is like a whirlwind of an adventure.

Today is Friday a business day, but luckily Toby has the day off. When your life is traveling from place to place there is a lot to do when you're back on the homefront. Our list of to dos...today begins with:
  • checking the mail
  • random doctor appointment 
  • purchase a wedding shower gift
  • going to the chiropractor
  • fixing the bathroom fan at the rental house: our first landlord call... 
  • find stuff to camp for the next two days
  • run to pick up prescriptions
  • stop by the bank
  • meet our builder
  • the list goes on isn't it funny how it all adds up...
So yes, this was the plan. We decided to conquer and divide. Toby headed to run some errand and I headed to the doctor with Addie. 

This past week when we were at my sister's house, my sister noticed that one of Addie's legs appeared to be a little more swollen that the other. I did not stress our about it too much and talked with Toby about it when we met up. We decided that we would take her to her pediatrician the next day. So here we are...I took her in and the doctor was a little dumbfounded. She just kind of stood there and was like hmmm....we went on to notice that it was her entire left side that appears to be more swollen than her right. After she went out and visited with the other doctors, the consensus was to make an appointment and get an ultrasound. She mentioned random things...MRI, Genetics testing, Tumor...DEEP BREATH....even still as I type this. Taking it all in one moment at time, and trying not to freak out...my little baby girl. Who is so incredibly happy all the time. Ok not when she is tired or well she has a reason not to be. This little angel of a girl...how could anything be wrong? 

At our appointment at the doctors...

After the first part of the ultra sound...

She sleeps...

I called Toby and let him know that I would be walking in to all three places that do ultrasound until someone would see me. I lucked out with the first TRA I think is the name...they were so friendly and went out of their way to help! I walked in to talk with them --- I skipped the phone call. They got her right in, turns out the appointment scheduled was not showing. They did the ultra sound and then the doctor called later that day to let us know that they did not find a mass but she was now calling Children's Hospital to find out what they recommended the next step be. They said they would see her and that they would be calling to schedule her. A few days later, I was called and Addie has an appointment for the 18th of August and we are on the wait list for the first cancellation. 

I need to go back to the ultra sound...a baby getting their entire abdomen cavity scanned...while awake. You know, a baby that we encourage to roll around and kick and move as much as they want. Now all of sudden, you need to hold still and rub this slimy stuff all over your tummy and by the way it is a stranger. Luckily that stranger...aka...ultrasound tech was very friendly and has children herself. I sang songs to Addie, I prayed to her, I held her arms and legs down the best that I could. Finally, we were almost done....Addie nursed and fell right to sleep and we got enough pictures. 

Now we wait for the 18th and continue to pray that she is healthy and it is something minor causing the swelling. 

So there was the whirlwind...and it continues. Deep breaths...and lots of prayers...and Faith that all will go as Our Heavenly Father has planned. 


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