Country Life

Day 37 of Adventure
Morning 3 Waking Up At the Property

I suppose I could start calling it Waking Up At Home…Yesterday as we were driving back from Seattle in the Crazy Traffic, I joked with Toby and the boys about just take me home to Tenino. Tenino where there is little to no traffic and where I wake up to the chatter of birds, wind blowing through the trees and a glasslike lake in the near distance! (Well, let’s be honest, I wake up to a little girl wanting her mommy. But, when my brain is waking up, this morning with my cup of coffee in hand and sitting outside our trailer I get the nature of Tenino - Home.)

A glimpse at our home...Easton and Preston's bed pulled out for sleep, tucked in for a couch during the day. 

Our room and the bathroom up top. 

Our fifth wheel sitting right next to our future home. 
Funny, when I swim in from the lake...I see the trailer and the house...and realize that our trailer will fit into my bedroom and bathroom. 

Toby took the boys out in a boat this morning for an early morning fishing day…they could not wait to get on the water. I asked them to get some breakfast before heading out. With fishing pole in hand, Easton’s response, “Mom, you are just trying to make us later to go fishing and then it is going to be too hot and the fish are not going to bite.” Ok you are right dear son. I have learned to pick my battles and my response was ok…go fishing. He proceeded with, “Fine! I will eat breakfast.” Deep Breath and know that not eating is not the end of the world right? Just as these little comments are not the end of the world…Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Right! 

Oh and last night, Toby and the boys were a 1/4 way around the lake visiting with our “neighbors.” The boys hung out with their daughters and fished. I am thinking they walked at least a mile to get there and then another mile back. They came back joking, talking and I guess they sang and acted out about every song they knew as they walked home. That husband of mine…has a way with his boys. Way to be creative and make the one mile walk enjoyable so the boys did not focus on such a long walk when they were past tired! Preston’s comment about the walk there…”Well on the walk to his house mom, we talked about all the things that run on the road besides us.” Really like what…monkeys and gorillas? “No mom: ants, mice, deer, bugs, raccoons…” point for daddy keeping the joy in the little things. So they were safe and “close” by…I did start to worry after it was dark and they were totally out of hearing and visual range. All is good in the country!


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