Going Home

Yesterday we went to Seattle for the night. I have an old college roommate/very dear friend that is in town for the weekend so the whole family went to Seattle for the night so I was there this morning to see her for a little while. 

Getting off of the property took us much longer than we expected. Which was a good thing really. From 7:30 in the morning until right before we drove off of the property, we had sub contractors asking us questions about our house. A few of the decisions were
  • Where the wood stove wood sit and how
  • How the entertainment center would change
  • A few more questions about heating and air…added another vent
  • The electrician took us on a walk through of the house and we discussed all the lighting and power outlets. 
  • Then the “Pump Guy” showed up to place our water pump on the property so we could get water at the trailer…YEAH!

So we headed to Olympia to stop at another dear friend’s house to do laundry and take showers. So nice of them to open their house to us once again. Since we were getting there so late…it actually turned out to be quite a pleasant “laundry trip”, we ended up staying for dinner, the kids got to play and we all got to visit. God has so blessed us with this amazing family in our lives! They have truly have been a blessing these past few months. 

So on to Seattle we went, we checked in at about 9 in the evening and were out shortly after that. This morning, Addie woke about an hour or so before the boys..so I took her out so she could be loud and the boys could sleep. These moments always end up turning into blessings. A walk with my little girl in downtown Seattle as everyone was hurrying and rushing around me; surrounded by sky scrapers with the sun out and water in sight…it was another beauty that we have been blessed with here in Washington. 

A little later my friend came by to visit. She took some pictures of my kiddos and we even got a few of the family. She is simply amazing with all the fun things she can do with her camera. She has learned so much and does such an amazing job! I can’t wait to see how they turn out! 

After a nice little visit, we headed home….TRAFFIC…UGG…not the end of the world but so thankful that neither of us need to sit in it on a daily basis. 

Finally back home, boys are off with their dad someplace - kind of weird, I really have no idea where they are at besides here in the valley someplace. Visiting one of the neighbors I imagine, but just one more way that city and country life are different. Out playing at our old house I could usually hear and know right where they all were. Here…I went for a half mile walk with Addie and no site of them. They are off making memories and doing something fun I am sure!


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