Life at the Lake

Day 51
Morning 16

The sun trying to peak through in the morning. 

Today the whole family woke up at the lake. So nice to have Toby and the boys back. I tried to get out for a walk with Addie before waking everyone but our small quarters…that just does not work. Addie and I headed around the lake for a walk…about three miles I think…yeah my first time around and she did not loose it. I was a little worried about being half way around the lake and having a baby who was done with the walk. All the blackberries that I picked and fed her might of helped. 

Toby took our walk time to teach the boys how to play cribbage. I am sure there are a few more lessons before they have it mastered, but they got a start and I love how much counting and thinking is involved. Time to get those brains kicked into gear for school in less than three weeks! 

After breakfast and spending a little time cleaning…we headed over to the house for a few chores. I picked up all the garbage that the contractors tend to leave behind, Preston picked rocks and helped Toby cut back blackberry bushes, Easton mowed some lawn and Addie well she just cheered us all on! Back to the messy contractors…I have been tempted to hang a sign that reads, “Your mother does not live here, please pick up after yourself!” I am sure they would then think, it sounds like my mom lives here…so this far, I have just gone around and picked up the chew cans, red bull and gatorade bottles, numerous candy wrappers and all the construction odds and ends. I must say, some crews do pick up after themselves, I have found the ones that do are the ones that are working for a larger company and have someone else's name that they are representing. 

Next up…the wood pile…really want to get it a little more organized and start building some benches, a dog house and table…oh and a wood shed and more..the list just keeps growing. Can’t wait for my new saw to show up this week. I mean “our” new saw to show up. Looking forward to sharing some of my latest projects. 

The evening Super Moon.


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