Oh What a Week...

Day 50
Camping 15

What a week…and I do not say this lightly…in a nutshell in went like this…

Monday - playdate with a few unexpected friends just stopping in during the playdate
- A/C went out in the camper…I flipped all the switches and still nothing…yes all on the hottest day of the week. Finally found the breaker box inside of the camper and thank goodness it worked. 

Tuesday - Errand day…so I thought
- Got to Olympia to run errands: school supply shopping, grocery, Costco, ext. 
- Forgot wallet in trailer in Tenino…realized it as I was driving by Wells Fargo and thank goodness I had my check book. They let me withdraw money with just my checkbook. 
- Costco…was out though, probably didn’t need anything there anyways. 

Wednesday - It rained the entire night before, Addie slept terrible and I had one of my older boys obviously drink too much water the night before. UG…
- So this morning I went out to check the awning and tried to release it so the water would flow off of it…too much water on it and it came crashing down…snapped the “drum roll” on the trailer in half. Thanks to the siding contractors that came and helped me take it all the way off so we could open and shut the door. They were deserving of the cookies we made the night before for them. 
Yah....not suppose to be on the ground.

- Today, I decided we were going to go back to town and find the parts for the trailer to fix the awning…got a lead but no parts ordered. 
- Went by to talk to the owner of the paddle board company…where Toby purchased my paddle board. He had loaned us one of his demo boards and well…the kids played on it like kids do and it got a crack in it? What…these boards retail for over $1500….and up….he believes that we abused it. At one time he tried to tell me he thought the boys used a baseball bat on it or maybe it was driven over with a car. Really? Are you for real? They used it like they have used other [addle boards on the lake for the last two summers and never any damage. The conversations is to be continued. 
- Decided that I was not ready to go home and called a friend whose husband was also out of town. It was a much needed girl and kid playtime evening. Thank you. 

Thursday - Playdate Take 2…with a different group of friends…this group originated because we all had our babies about the same time. 
Lots of fun on the water...

- Boys went home with one of the families for a sleepover….Ahhhh…girls night…Addie and I. 
- I wanted some background sound so ran to get a movie. The lady said I could not check out cuz I already had movies out. What, they are all kid movies checked out and not due back till Sunday. She had a soft heart and with the given conditions, she would rent it to me. Got home, DVD would not play…God was watching over and really just wanted me to get some sleep. 
- So I read my book and off to sleep I went…with the plan of letting Addison fuss a little since there was no risk of waking the boys. 
- I woke out of dead sleep and the blinds were cracked just enough that I thought I saw a flashlight and someone walking up the driveway…WHAT?? I instantly called the neighbor and asked him to come over. I even thought I saw the reflectors of shoes…Yikes…my heart was racing and just stared trying to figure it out. Then I saw a car drive on the main road and started thinking maybe I just saw a car on the main road and thought it was in my driveway. Well, rescue came and I took Addie back to their house which is where we stayed the rest of the night. I still think back to the light I saw…and well, I will never know for sure what it was but we are safe and all is well. AND Toby is home now for quite sometime. 
Friday - I came back to the property and checked in with all the contractors and decided since the boys were gone it would be a great time for a nice relaxing shower…in the trailer with the baby. We were all ready for the shower and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to try out the Nair again. Not just one leg…entire legs and both. I get Addie all situated so she will not get any Nair on her….and NO WATER?!?! What??? I tried just cold…NO WATER?!?! I wiped off the hair with some towels and headed to the neighbors to shower. After asking the electrician about it…and sure enough he was replacing the wires today. Not such a relaxing morning…off to town to run a few errands and get the boys. 

The weekend ended all good…I went to Thai for lunch with little Addie. Then came home and made lunch for us and the neighbors who rescued us last night. 

Now Toby is home and it is time for the weekend…the boys are headed to the fair and their first Rodeo tomorrow night. 

The house this week…has the siding going up…the electricians we thought would be done but are still working, the plumber I saw once as well as our builder and the septic was dug out today. But wait…turns out the septic was dug in the wrong place…wrong as in…on the neighbors’ property. Minor issue. Which will be resolved this next week. 


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