Random Thoughts

Day 40 of Adventure
Travel Trailer Sleeps - 6

Just a few notes to share about the last few days. 

Easton and I ran into Tumwater and went shopping and we stopped and got their bikes from their grandparents’ house. Eventful trip with the utility trailer…backing up is a learned and practiced art…one that if not practiced often can lead to an almost jack knifed trailer…just two or three times on this trip. All good. 

We returned to the lake for a the end of birthday BBQ and then back to our property to meet our cousins as they pulled their travel trailer onto our property. Yeah…for cousins showing up! 

The next day we BBQ’d and had lake fun…fishing, swimming, digging, floating, tubing and more! Tubing till the uh-oh with the rope getting pulled into the intake on the jet ski. Lake Lessons right?

Toby headed off to work for a short week this week and it is pretty nice having company here with us while he is gone. 

Always so much fun to be had camping…last night the kiddos roasted marshmallows and Aunt Shannon shared a new twist to smores. Smores…with Reeses Pieces or Milky Way Bars. 

Had a little uh-oh blowing the flame off of a marshmallow…Preston got it a little too close to his face and ouch…those burns hurt on your nose and lip. 

We went over and met our neighbors…ages 10 and 13…more boys and friends for the lake! 

I am not sure how I am going to keep my kiddos home…when they are offered archery, quads, dirt bikes, animals, tree swings and more across the road! My boys and their cousins were very excited to go get a tour of their farm and get a refresher on how to drive the quad and shoot arrows. All kinds of fun and more ADVENTURE! 
Easton getting a driving refresher...

We started to sort the scrap wood pile…this is going to be more than a one day job! But so excited to get the chance to have all this at my finger tips…the list of things to make has started and I just need to find the time to get it all going! 

Big News…Addie is getting her first tooth! Right before her appointment at Children’s this week. Two more days before we hopefully get some answers or at least the start to some answers. 

I know that was all kind of random…that’s an update in a nutshell. 

I guess I could of hit a little on the house…Heating and Air should be done today. Electrician has started and plumber has started. Cabinets should start being built shortly. Interesting to be here on the property to watch and see when and how the work is being done. Learning lots…tip for today…even though you have your own contractor…let the sub contractors know right off the bat that they need to come to you and let you know when something is not going smoothly or if they need something more. 


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