A Huge Loss...

Day 82
Morning 47

The unimaginable happened here in Tenino today. A precious baby girl was taken from her loving family way too soon! I cannot begin to imagine the pain, suffering, sense of loss, frustration the emotions go on that I am sure they are experiencing. 

It is situations like this where it is hard to know what to do and how to support them. So I pray and think about them all day long! Then say another prayer or two for them and another. 

It was an event that any one of us could have experienced….so now what do we do, we hug our kids a little more we realize how precious life is and try to keep that thought in the fore front of our thoughts. Try not to get caught up in the little things and just enjoy and love on each other…God gives us right now…and today! 

At this point I cannot even type any more…what a sense of loss and frustration for this poor family. 


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