Day 77
Morning 32

This is how we do it…

Campfires before breakfast…
Mist rising from the lake…
Coffee outside in our PJ’s…
Feel a little guilty saying, Smores for breakfast…
Fishing whenever we want…

There are some sad moments for this momma but most of all life is really about the little things! 
But to be real and think about those sad moments…they are the moments of being in your 40’s and loosing touch with some friends wondering why and how friendships can melt away so easily. But also knowing that it all comes back to family while friends are brought into our lives to help support and love on while we are at different phases of our lives. Some stay forever but some are there for brief periods until life takes you in different directions. Just hard feeling like your relationship is not worth the effort to some. While I know that this is how life goes…it can still be sad. OK so there is that…

On another note…I was at the school picking up kids the other day and was visiting with my esthetician when someone walked by that I thought I recognized. I asked the esthetician who it was and it turned out that it wasn't who I thought it was. Then this is when a new reality hit me…I really do not know anyone here. (Well, a few wives of my husband’s friends and a few others.) But in day to day passing…really no one…and you know what, I am ok with that. A new start, no reason for me to think, why didn’t she say hi to me? Or I wonder this or that. I am me and that is that and when I meet others here, I am going to try my best to be as real as I can be. A fresh start where I am meeting people in my 40’s…and I am ok with not knowing everyone and being “in the know” all of the time. I am in the know…I know I love my family and they are my priority. I know that I am a child of God and he is hard at work shaping me into the person he envisioned me to be. 


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