Day 68 - Seriously I can not believe that I moved out of our home this long ago and been living well the life we have been for almost 70 days?!?!
Trailer Living 33

Life is Exciting…

So today, the morning began with sheet rockers - our home is being sheet rocked! It is really looking like a home and it is large! Yes, still surreal that this is all happening and I will be living in this monster of a house very soon. In the midst of picking colors, appliances, faucets ect…I missed the line of picking who is going to clean this house? HMMM…

 After sheetrock...

Staircase...before sheetrock.

“Wake up Boys, you need to get ready for school,” came next! New teachers, new schools, new district, new town, new friends and the best part is two boys who both had successful days! WOOHOO! Can’t ask for more than that! (OK I will say that we are all thinking about out Tumwater and Oly friends and teachers who are starting tomorrow that we so dearly miss...please come visit us at the lake when you can...)

The sign...Pinterest quality right....having a little grace with myself lately!!

Back to the house, Toby installed insulation in the garage so it would be ready for the sheet rock and then we headed to the cabinet store in Chehalis. Looking forward to confirming all the details tomorrow and have the order put in to have them start making the much awaited for cabinets. Another WOOHOO!!!!
Hard at work...

So does it get much more exciting than this…well actually, boys are off at baseball practice - FALL BALL! Love it, can’t wait for games to start! Toby is off at a Fantasy Football Draft. Again, looking forward to games to start! Addy and I well, yes..she is napping and I am taking a moment to take it all in as I type this well and doing laundry! Clean clothes…yes that deserves a WOOHOO! 


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