What a Day!

Day 83
Morning 48

Today…was off to a great start…boys cheery and playing more than a mom wants to handle in the mornings. Mom…trying to handle it while balancing them getting dressed, being goofy, eating, playing games, brushing teeth, wrestling, packing up their belongings. Yes, that is why mom is trying to handle it…trying to pack lunches as her kids do their thing. Sometimes I feel like their thing is almost anything besides what is on their to do list. But I still took a deep breath and handled it today and celebrated that they were getting along. 

We even got our little one fed before we headed to the car for our drive to school…picking up the neighbor on our way. 

Kids are all dropped off…went to the store to get some treats for the workers at the house, dropped books off at the library…got the mail and then…this nice little gentleman says, “Excuse me, did you know your tire is flat?” Well, actually, I did not and by golly it is flat! Off to the closest repair shop and they were sweet enough to put air in it for me…and Addie and I still in our PJ’s, were off to Tumwater to get a tire fixed. Then I headed back home only to think really you are here maybe we should do a few of those odd end things that I need to get done…you know a few more paint samples, run by Habitat for Humanity. (I have this crazy thought that maybe we could repurpose a few things from there in our new home…no great finds — next time.)

Then back to Tenino to check out the progress on the house and get all the baseball stuff before we head back in for our afternoon of fun.

So I grabbed the boys from school and headed into town. I thought we should get something to eat prior to a doctor appointment and baseball game. Why couldn’t Dairy Queen work for today? 

Instead I decided on Tofu Hut…I ordered everything to go. Tell me that I am not the only one that has ever done this? I ordered to go with the thought of eating part of it there and then the rest of it on the way to the doctor and more at the game. I got the boys their goodies to start eating after taking out the fullest and hottest container that was on top and setting it on the table too close to me and baby girl. As I was getting the boys their stuff, baby girl was grabbing my dish and pulling it on to us. 

I realized this and jumped up, ripped her clothes off of her, poured some water over her leg grabbed a napkin, getting it wet and applying to the burn. Finally, a woman (from one of the three other tables in the restaurant a the time) steps up and asks if she can help. THANK YOU…she grabs someone from the kitchen and it turns out that someone was Sue the owner. 
She then brought me mustard saying if you apply it to the burn it will take the sting away. Fine rub it on her…make the sting go away of her. 

Within and Hour...of the Accident
After calming her some, I took her outside to nurse and calm down a little more. Gathered the boys to the car to head to our doctor appointment. How convenient…I can have the doctor check out baby girl while we are there. 

The owner was very friendly to begin with and then took on the attitude of, “Well no one has complained of it being too hot before.” Ok if the food is hot enough to give a child second degree burns and then 15 minutes later when I went to pack it up…it was still too hot for me to take a bite of it…IT IS TOO HOT. 

Now for those of you that like to eat your food scalding hot…so be it. Feel free to request your food that way. But for me, a mother of three, I do not think I should have to special order it to be of a temperature that I can eat. 

The Next Day

OK…so it progressed from there and well in a nutshell, I would just like the restaurant and owner to check the temperature from time to time to make sure they are aware of how hot it is being served. 


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