Let There Be Light!

Day 102
Morning 66
AHHH let there be light! 
Every day now smoothing is new or changing. But today one of the new realities was that little Addie must have an ear ache. After two days of over fussy baby and me thinking wow…she is figuring this out…she cries/wines…she gets what she wants. Need to put a stop to this, right? Then for the last two hours she was awake today…she kept pulling on her ear. Poor baby girl…this explains the fussiness and easily upset baby girl. The moment you realize it as a mom and kick yourself a little for not putting it all together a little sooner. (Okay, no, I am not beating myself up here…but really I am not the only one that does this am I?)

Thank goodness for the new friend down the street, who has a son in Easton’s class, she had the boys at her house playing so I could focus on little girl. Fed her, showered her, gave her a nice dose of Tylenol and then off to bed. Advil is now ready for the next time that she wakes. 

Still a little time before the boys got home, thought I would tackle that pile of parent letters that I had been neglecting. As I sat down that is when I saw the beautiful site….the back porch light was on. I watched today as the electrician drilled holes into the sides of our house and then hung our beautiful outdoor lighting. It is so cool to watch someone put together all the pieces of the puzzle all the pieces that you have thought about and decided on together with your husband…and then each and every little piece together creates a masterpiece that is us in every way! 

It’s really the little things that can just make your heart sing. A light that one day, I am sure I will take for granted…but today, I celebrate! It shows me that we are one step closer to moving into our dream home, one more little piece to the big masterpiece and one little thing to help put everything into perspective. 

I am sure this is not the last ear infection that we will battle, but hopefully it is the last one that we will battle in our temporary home. For now, I will just keep thinking in my head…”Let there be light!”


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