Oh Dear Window Washer

Window Washer...I am sure you are sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to hear more...

Well, the window washer showed up this morning, as one of the boys went over to check on the kitty before school. He came back reporting that "Daryl the Window Washer" was here. 

I went over and introduced myself and asked if he cleaned sills as well as windows? He said that no he doesn't usually but he would this time. First, what? every other time I have had windows cleaned the window washers exceeded my expectations...with crystal clear windows and beautiful window trim. As the window washer started, I went about my day and went back to see a completed window or two when the contractor got here. I again, asked the contractor...will he be cleaning the trim on the windows as well. (I think I am saying this wrong, not the trim...but the actual frame that it sits in.) The contractor said yes and I asked him if he would take a look at the ones that he had completed and make note of the mud that was filling the cracks. You know the building dust now mixed with his water that is settling into all the cracks of the windows. NICE! 

My builder talked with him and the next corner that I met the window washer on...well, how old is this window washer...he glared at me?!? What just happened? So again, went about my day and every time passing he would look at me with this irritation smirk. WHAT? Haven't you been paid to do a job? How do these people stay in business? Obviously not on referrals!!!! 

I went to the trailer to remove myself from the "cleaning" going on...and there is a knock on the trailer. It is the window washer letting me know that he is leaving and the contractor wanted him to let me know. Well that was nice of the contractor...but I hired a contractor! Again, that was nice of the contractor to respect that I have expectations and maybe he wanted me to look at the window washers job and tell him that I did not think he was done. And really should start over and with a vacuum first! So I told the window washer that, "I have a contractor and he works for the contractor and the contractor is working for me." So it is the contractor that should be telling him to do the job right or that he would not be getting paid! 

I realized that I should walk over and maybe with a paper towel to just look at one window with the two of them together. Well, I did not take pictures of that example but here are a few other shots from just a few windows upstairs. 

So yes, apparently, he does not clean the "trim" of the windows. I failed to take pictures of all the glorious streaks on the windows and the remnants of stickers that were removed. You know the new window stickers. So, after I shared with my contractor and the window washer the one window. I went back to the trailer and thought I would let my contractor work with him. Well as the door shut the contractor had a chuckle...really, not the time to laugh. Owner is not happy...maybe you should support her and get her back in these last few days with the final subcontractors. 

OK...wow, a little venting going on here...so where are we at with the windows, I stepped back into the house and asked my contractor if we were in agreement that the windows were not clean? His response was well yes "some" of them are not clean. WHAT??? I have not found a clean one yet...shame on me, I better go back and look and find that one that is clean! It might be fun going on a scavenger hunt in my new home...I bet it is the picture window that is on the second floor! 

Those of you who know me...will understand my dry humor.

So...now I am interested to see what happens with the windows...will that washer be paid and excused for now...or will he be held accountable and be asked to come back and do the job right! Take pride in your work and do a good job!!!! That is all I have ever been taught and all I ask! 

If we do not set high standards for others they will not have anything to shoot for and will just settle....so set high standards and expect and receive it! 

Ok....why did I just rant on about this grown gentleman for so long? I guess because of the way he handled himself and the looks he gave me every time I made eye contact with him. It was really like...how dare you question my work! OK --- onto tomorrow....

Ok...I need to have grace and know that God places us in situations for us to grow and be challenged. Also, I do not know what, "Daryl the Window Washers" story is, so on that note, 
Dear Daryl, I pray that your day is better tomorrow and I do hope that we can work together and make some beautiful shiny windows! 


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