One Day Closer

Day 139 - The number of days since we slept in our previous house.

When building a home there are a number of emotions that one goes through. At this point it is a daily sometimes hourly thought of we are one day closer to moving in. Then within moments that can be put on the back burner with we are one day closer but two days further or maybe three days further from moving in. (Or the feeling of never moving in has passed my mind once or twice.) This feeling can start in the morning and change any number of times throughout the day, or sometimes on a good day it never changes.

Today was a "We are one day closer day," and it ended that way as well. Yeah!

Being about two weeks from move-in day I am hoping that most days go this way from now on. But staying open minded so we don't have any huge emotional let downs.

At this time,

the laminate floors are in
the vinyl is in
some plumbing trim is in...(did you know that this is what toilets and faucets are referred to as?)
most electrical is done
cabinets are in and almost done being trimmed out
the hearth is tiled
the kitchen is almost done being tiled
the bathroom is being tiled
the carpet is getting put in tomorrow

So we are getting close and we are one day closer.

What has to be done still...

our bathroom needs to be finished
the laminate needs repairs
the cabinets finished
the carpet installed
the doors put on
door handles put on
tile needs grout
the plumber will come and finish the plumbing trim throughout the house
the electrician will come and finish...lights, outlets, ect.
the painter will do touch ups
the HOUSE CLEANER will come!!!

So...can this all be done in the time that is ahead before move-in date. Time will tell and waiting another day at this point is all good! Really when rushing someone, is it really the trim subcontractors that you want to rush? Or the house cleaner?

So for this moment, we are still one day closer!


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