Need a good book to read? I finished one this summer that I truly enjoyed by the author, Mitch Albom, who also wrote, “Tuesdays with Morie.” I picked it up at my parents’ house…thank you to my sister-n-law, who does not even know that I have it, for letting me borrow it. I am really enjoying it. Probably a good book to read at this phase of my life. It is not often that I want to highlight a book as I read it..this is one that I am jotting down all of my favorite phrases as I read…here are a few… Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe. Mom, you're not listening with your eyes. Jesus - He lifts me up. He rearranges me. He repositions me. By myself, I’m no good… But he makes all the difference. That kind of love - the kind you realize you already have by the life you created together, that’s the kind that lasts. Because the word commitment has lost its meaning. I’m old enough to remember w...
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