Part of a Day....

This tree is on the property adjacent to ours. It is a bittersweet tree for blocks an amazing view of Mt. Rainier, but it also a lookout place for a few local eagles. This morning this one was there as I exited the garage and it was like it said, "Goodmorming," to me or to our little kitty. I quickly turned around and closed the garage door hoping that Fluffy would survive the eagle's hunt. The eagle stood on watch for at least an hour and Fluffy survived the day. 
Nightly visits over to the house are the norm when we are not off at a school function. Sorry is a head shot. Washing all the kitty off for the day! He is allergic and gets asthma and puffy itchy eyes if there is not a good removal of kitty dander nightly. 
Tonight this picture  is of Toby getting Addie out of the bath. Thank goodness for long baths and showers...HOT WATER that does not run out in minutes and helpful daddy! 
Preston in his room getting a little screen time in while he waits for all to shower. 
Laaaaaa...the staircase. Beautifully stained handrail that matches the island...Thanks to our contractor for staining it for us! 
The carefully selected wood stove, waiting for one more part.
The kitchen...waiting for little feet to be running through it...walking feet to be hanging out with friends...hands to be cooking in it! I love bare counter tops...
Entertainment center, waiting for a TV and man....I can not wait to sit and watch a TV show with my DH. It has been since we moved out of our house that we have sat and watched TV together. 
Our bathroom....waiting for grout and more tile. 
Shower.....ahhhhh....look at the rainhead!
Bathroom sings and lights installed...with mirrors hopefully tomorrow. 
LAAAAA....did I say that yet? PANTRY! 
You may think I am crazy, but I do not think I will ever complain about doing laundry in here...after the many dollars and hours that we have spent in laundromats, I can not wait! Imagine a laundromat with a almost one year old....wanting to crawl everywhere...yuck! We made it and yes, she did crawl in those laundromats.
Thank you to all of my dear friends who opened their washers to me at playdates or just a laundry day and at times even folding and bringing me my laundry at the trailer. I can not even believe that I am typing that...your have the kindest hearts and the most caring families! I look forward to sharing a cup of tea with many of you in our new house!
Kid Area...You know we have referred to this as a MudRoom...maybe that is what it will be...but really it is a catch all area for the kiddos.  

There is a brief update on what is on the inside...tomorrow I will try to capture our kiddos in their forts and the outside. 


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