
Showing posts from September, 2014

No Water...Take II

Day 96 Morning 60 Do you ever have those days that when they are all done and the kids are in bed and as you hit the bed yourself the thought passes your mind, I am glad that is over! Then the next thought is, and we get to do it again tomorrow.  Today was that day…got out of bed 15 minutes early…figured I would try to shower. Good thought, till the reality set in…I quickly realized that yesterday the power was hooked to the house - yeah right? Well, being hooked to the house also means that it is taken from the temporary power pole which meant that we no longer had power to make water pressure for the trailer to have water. So my shower fizzled.  Ok…out the door with wet hair to get kiddos to school.

A Huge Loss...

Day 82 Morning 47 The unimaginable happened here in Tenino today. A precious baby girl was taken from her loving family way too soon! I cannot begin to imagine the pain, suffering, sense of loss, frustration the emotions go on that I am sure they are experiencing.  It is situations like this where it is hard to know what to do and how to support them. So I pray and think about them all day long! Then say another prayer or two for them and another.  It was an event that any one of us could have experienced….so now what do we do, we hug our kids a little more we realize how precious life is and try to keep that thought in the fore front of our thoughts. Try not to get caught up in the little things and just enjoy and love on each other…God gives us right now…and today!  At this point I cannot even type any more…what a sense of loss and frustration for this poor family. 

Have a Little Faith...

Need a good book to read? I finished one this summer that I truly enjoyed by the author, Mitch Albom, who also wrote, “Tuesdays with Morie.” I picked it up at my parents’ house…thank you to my sister-n-law, who does not even know that I have it, for letting me borrow it. I am really enjoying it. Probably a good book to read at this phase of my life.   It is not often that I want to highlight a book as I read it..this is one that I am jotting down all of my favorite phrases as I read…here are a few… Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe. Mom, you're not listening with your eyes. Jesus -  He lifts me up. He rearranges me.  He repositions me.  By myself, I’m no good… But he makes all the difference. That kind of love - the kind you realize you already have by the life you created together, that’s the kind that lasts.  Because the word commitment has lost its meaning.  I’m old enough to remember w...

What a Day!

Day 83 Morning 48 Today…was off to a great start…boys cheery and playing more than a mom wants to handle in the mornings. Mom…trying to handle it while balancing them getting dressed, being goofy, eating, playing games, brushing teeth, wrestling, packing up their belongings. Yes, that is why mom is trying to handle it…trying to pack lunches as her kids do their thing. Sometimes I feel like their thing is almost anything besides what is on their to do list. But I still took a deep breath and handled it today and celebrated that they were getting along.  We even got our little one fed before we headed to the car for our drive to school…picking up the neighbor on our way.  Kids are all dropped off…went to the store to get some treats for the workers at the house, dropped books off at the library…got the mail and then…this nice little gentleman says, “Excuse me, did you know your tire is flat?” Well, actually, I did not and by golly it is flat! Off to the closest repair ...
Day 77 Morning 32 This is how we do it… Campfires before breakfast… Mist rising from the lake… Coffee outside in our PJ’s… Feel a little guilty saying, Smores for breakfast… Fishing whenever we want… There are some sad moments for this momma but most of all life is really about the little things!  But to be real and think about those sad moments…they are the moments of being in your 40’s and loosing touch with some friends wondering why and how friendships can melt away so easily. But also knowing that it all comes back to family while friends are brought into our lives to help support and love on while we are at different phases of our lives. Some stay forever but some are there for brief periods until life takes you in different directions. Just hard feeling like your relationship is not worth the effort to some. While I know that this is how life goes…it can still be sad. OK so there is that… On another note…I was at the school picking up kids the other da...


Day 68 - Seriously I can not believe that I moved out of our home this long ago and been living well the life we have been for almost 70 days?!?! Trailer Living 33 Life is Exciting… So today, the morning began with sheet rockers - our home is being sheet rocked! It is really looking like a home and it is large! Yes, still surreal that this is all happening and I will be living in this monster of a house very soon. In the midst of picking colors, appliances, faucets ect…I missed the line of picking who is going to clean this house? HMMM…  After sheetrock... Staircase...before sheetrock. “Wake up Boys, you need to get ready for school,” came next! New teachers, new schools, new district, new town, new friends and the best part is two boys who both had successful days! WOOHOO! Can’t ask for more than that! (OK I will say that we are all  thinking  about out Tumwater and Oly friends and teachers who are starting tomorrow that we so dearly miss...plea...