The End...

Day 159 - Planning on it being the LAST in the trailer!

Ready for is the last week of our trailer living in as much of a nutshell as I can get it.

Really though, are you ready for this?

Let's start with Thanksgiving...

We left on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving...we left a hustle and bustle of feeling like we were on one of those Renovation TV shows...where they send you away for the night to return to this state of AWE and AMAZEMENT.

OK not to burst the bubble, this was not the case here.

So we left with:
- the bathroom tile being finished
- contractor's workers pressure washing, picking up "last" of garbage, any other odd end around
- plumber finishing
- bulldozer smoothing things out around the house
- window washer coming while we were gone

We returned with:
- window washer half way done
- plumber not finished
- bulldozer - not done with the job to our idea of done
- bathroom tile...needing yet more tile to finish?!?!
AND here are the best parts...that we discovered as the week went on
- while the window washer was here...a window fell and did not break, thank goodness..but broke a shelf
- wiring still needed to be finished for the garage door to work
- the house still was not clean...dirty handles, shelves that were not wiped clean of all the dust, floors that had ingrained dirt, painted hinges
- and we knew that the painter was not returning until Monday to do touch ups and finish.

We were thinking that we were going to move in on Sunday until we returned and realized how much more needed to be done. So we planned on moving in on Monday.........

The weather over the weekend was very cold. So cold that on Sunday after returning from church we found that our outdoor shower had water running from the head and handle of it and down the side of our house. My husband quickly tried to remedy it and realized that it was just not accidentally on it had something really wrong. Yes, a valve on the inside had broke from the freeze and it was leaking. My husband went inside to see if there was water in the house and he found standing water in the pantry. He quickly shut the water off to the house and called the contractor.
The contractor said he would be out in the morning, WHAT? You have a new construction with flooding and you will be out in the morning? shutting the water off to the house, also shuts the water off to the trailer. We decided that instead of heading to a hotel room that we would tough it out...we had cover, heat and lots of bottled water.  I am not going to sugar coat it, it was a blustery night. But really, if I am going to go to a hotel for the night, I want to go to a hotel for the night and get the full use out of know pool time for the kiddos, hot tub time for us, breakfast int he morning and probably not in Centralia. So we saved the hotel for another time and made the best of it. Really, come on kiddos, it is an adventure!

Monday are off to is fed and we take the walk over to the house...both of us in the best spirits that we could muster...knowing that today was not going to be move-in day. We stepped out of the trailer and of course the bald eagle was sitting with a watchful eye...not from the neighbor's tree but the tree RIGHT in front of our house. God is amazing and finds ways to let you know that he is present, especially in those moments that you most need it.

The night before, we could tell that the water was moving into the kitchen...really, you stepped on the laminate and water oozed up between the boards. a word I used frequently at this point. (Is that a word?)

Contractor decided he wanted the installers to tear out the flooring. Flooring guys couldn't even loo at it till the next day...then found Sandrini Restoration and they could come out that day and take a look at it and start the tear out. In the mean time while waiting for them, the contractor started tearing it out to see how extensive the damage was...

Water deciding to head into the dining room....
Taking a meander down the hallway...
Headed into the kitchen and the beginning of all the flooding was in the pantry the room where the man is standing. 
The floor was wet and over 250 feet of laminate was tore up, and if you have ever installed laminate, you know the picture above can not just have laminate reinstalled there. It is kind of like a jig saw puzzle but more was going to have to be removed in order to get it all back together.

So all the decisions for when this was going to be repaired happened. The installer could come the following day to take a look at it, but not work on it. We talked him into coming on Saturday...yes almost a week away to START the work.

Then throughout the course of the week we discovered:
- two deep cuts in the vinyl in the laundry room
- a deep scratch on a window
- and then we ran to town to return to our outdoor shower that had broken and was flooding not only the sidewalk outside....BUT inside the house as well
OK things happen in that is it RIGHT?


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