We Have Moved...Card?

As many of you know, we moved. I had great intentions of sending out a Christmas/We Have Moved Card....then it turned into a Valentine's Day/We Have Moved Card...and well now here it is..."We Have Moved." Give me a call and I will share our physical address we would love to have you swing by and see our new place.
Family Pic On Our Property
A Little Peak Of The House...Oh And Our Beautiful Kiddos
We have been busy with a little bit of everything from new chickens, new goats, basketball season that turned into baseball season, planting a little, trying to slowly get the yard done, organizing and continually cleaning! Really where does the time go because as I type what we have been up to, I really feel like it is not much but it seems like we do not have much down time. There is always something on the agenda. I am sure I do not feel alone in this.

As summer quickly approaches and another school year is added to the books. It is amazing to see all that has happened in one school year. To think we started this school year living in a fifth wheel. Seems a little surreal to all of us now. So thankful for our new home and looking forward to many memories being made here.

Just a few more pics to bring you up to date on what is going on in our world these days...
Addie keeping busy at another baseball game. 
Preston is up to bat!
E's turn up to bat!
Taking care of the chickens....she loves them and could spend hours in the coop with them. 

Macy and King....our two sweet goats...can't wait to get them more friends!
Yes, she is this cute...can't get enough of this little one! 
Boys playing a little bump on our constructions site leftovers....

Addie making the most of the hole left behind after removing yet another boulder.
Perfect lounge chair/hole.


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