Makes Me Happy From The Heart...

This morning...I am having an at home morning with of course my little side kick angel.

Hubby just got home from a goose hunting trip and we have about another 9 geese to de-breast and put in the freezer. So we can do something with them in the newer future...make jerky, sausage, smoke...something?

So as I take the goose bones (why do I not want to say carcasses here? Is it the idea of a dead animal sitting on the side of the road that I relate with that word...and here I am roasting them to make poultry broth out of them.) Well, anyways, I took them out of the oven and was getting the water ready for them as I noticed how happy it makes me to be able to walk outside my door and grab parsley, thyme and sage to add to my pot. I just love being able to grow items that are real and I don't have to worry if something has been added to it...colors, artificial flavorings, preservatives.

Well, it made my heart happy and brought a smile to my face.

Addie played in the garage while I took the rest of the wing feathers off of the birds that were in the coolers and then she simply did her thing as I de-breasted all of these birds! Now what to do with the meat? Take it to the butcher shop and just let them make sausage for us or try to make some jerky? For now it is all in the freezer....except for all the legs...what to do with those? And I have enough carcasses in the freezer to make broth for a century!

So off to the garden little girl and I went...we picked all the red tomatoes and the what cucumbers were left. Cucumbers were soooo good this year! Hoping we get them in earlier next year and get more of a harvest!

This farm life is exhausting especially when the husband is away so much. It is a good and satisfying exhaustion. But none the less exhaustion at times.

As soon as you think you finish one job there is another to do ...and me...I can't just have one thing going at a time...I need to start multiple jobs so when I take a minute to think about all I have going on...I can feel that sense of overwhelmed and exhaustion.

So for now a few of the projects that are started are: refinishing the table, painting all the dining room chairs, spreading the dirt in the front so we can plant some pretty lawn, those goose legs - hmm, laundry is going - does that job ever go away, decorating the front of the house with cornstalks, watering the distant grass for field grass, need to sell our goats so we can build a fence, and the clean up of the property is on-going. Oh the treasures we are finding.

For now baby sleeps and it is time to just sit back and relax...or make another to-do list. And with all that said...I wouldn't change any of it for the world...well maybe have my husband home more! My heart is happy here on our little farm!


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